Abdul Rahman Saeed, Staff Reporter
Abu Dhabi Family Court for Civil and Administrative Cases ordered a company to pay Dhs15,000 as compensation to an employee who worked for it and sustained injuries in an accident at the workplace after a concrete piece fell on him, as the company did not provide the necessary safety measures to protect him from work hazards, and the construction site was devoid of a safety supervisor.
In the details, an employee filed a lawsuit against a company he used to work for, requesting that they be ordered to pay him Dhs400,000 as compensation for the material and moral damages he incurred, in addition to the fees and expenses of the lawsuit and attorney's fees.
The plaintiff stated that he was injured in an accident at the workplace after a concrete piece fell on him, as the company did not provide the necessary safety measures to protect him from work hazards.
He added that he filed a criminal lawsuit against the company, and the court issued an absentia ruling convicting the company and fining it Dhs10,000.