Al Ain Court of First Instance ordered a person to pay a compensation of Dhs30,000 to another person for unintentionally causing injuries to him in a road accident. The accident resulted in a scar on the right side of the head.
The ruling was made on the basis that the scar was sustained on the date of the accident and that the psychological pain suffered as a result of the accident was significant.
The plaintiff initiated legal proceedings against the defendant, seeking compensation for material and moral damages amounting to Dhs50,000, in addition to fees and expenses.
The grounds for this request are that the defendant was involved in a traffic accident that resulted in physical damage, and that the defendant was convicted in a criminal case.
The plaintiff suffered material and moral damages as a result of the aforementioned accident, which has led him to file the lawsuit with the above-mentioned requests.
The Court assigned a forensic physician to carry out the mandate stated in the operative part of the decision. It was confirmed that the plaintiff is still undergoing treatment and follow-up and requires a surgical operation after the removal of the cast and will then undergo physical therapy for several months.
The Court determined that the defendant's error had been substantiated and that it had resulted in harm to the plaintiff, as evidenced by the physical damage he sustained. This conclusion was supported by the medical report, which indicated that the injury had caused a scar on the right side of the plaintiff's head, as a consequence of the wound he received on the date of the accident.
The psychological pain he experienced as a result of the accident, caused by the defendant, was also taken into consideration in the court's deliberations. Based on these factors, the Court issued its aforementioned ruling.