Not much, but… - GulfToday

Not much, but…

Carrie Lam

Carrie Lam

The withdrawal of the extradition bill by Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam is a step in the right direction. The protestors though want all their demands to be met, so we might not see a lull in the protests (“Hong Kong leader gives in, withdraws extradition bill,” Sept. 5, Gulf Today).

Although some are saying that the bill’s withdrawal is too little too late, I think Lam’s gesture needs to be respected. Millions have risked their lives and continue to risk, but her action sends a signal that leaders can also be made to see sense and be forced to stand up for the consent of the people.

Some media reports say that she even contemplated resigning because of the pressure from China, which implies that she took a step against the grain. Whatever it is, she in her own way is trying to uphold justice.

Though she insists that the government would not accept an independent inquiry into alleged police misconduct and the unconditional release of those detained, she said she was open for more dialogue. Which again is a positive sign.

Not many may agree with my viewpoint because the Bill should not have been introduced in the first place itself. But then, when we have leaders like Trump, Boris Johnson, Modi, Bolsonaro , etc, etc, we cannot but acknowledge Lam’s move as being healthy.

Karthik Nair
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