Protests' legitimate demand - GulfToday

Protests' legitimate demand


Riot police clash with protesters in Hong Kong, on Monday. File / Associated Press

Protests in Iraq, Lebanon, Hong Kong and Kashmir. There is a particular trend and a pattern. The message is loud and clear — citizens are tired, angry and fed up of the government and with the government’s gimmicks (“J-K restrictions have to be reviewed: SC”, Oct.25, Gulf Today).

The fact that these protests are happening in different parts of the world, with no relation of one protest to another shows that the trend among the world’s governments is the same — unethical governance and corruption. The trend of the feeling among the people is also clear — the feeling of being cheated and looted and robbed of their rights.

The world — rather the governments — need to take note. For how long will suppression continue? Force and power is in the unity of the people and when faced with such power, the handful of the people that make the government feel insecure and threatened. That’s the reason Lebanon is searching urgently for an economic policy and India is trying to smother the voice of dissent.

We have to take the example of boldness from these protesters. It is right to protest when you have a stake in the country and its welfare.

Hemangi Vithal

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