Strengthen healthcare - GulfToday

Strengthen healthcare


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India continues to have about 50,000 new COVID-19 new cases daily, which are astronomical figures. At the current rate of case increases, within seven to ten days, the number of cases may exceed those in Brazil (“PM, CMs to discuss coronavirus situation, daily cases hit 50,000,” July 26, Gulf Today).

The health system is under immense pressure, with many gloomy stories emerging. India should commence building more hospitals in Mumbai, New Delhi, Chennai, Kolkata and other cities heavily impacted by the crisis.

The COVID-19 pandemic may continue for the next 18 months or until a vaccine is discovered. India needs a stronger medical infrastructure not only to face the pandemic today, but to treat patients suffering from other ailments also. It must keep its eye firmly on the COVID-19 ball and not get distracted by communal issues or regional brawls, which dissipate time, money and energy.

Millions of migrants had returned from the cities, where they used to work, to their hometowns and villages. In some states, there has been a spike in the number of cases especially in rural areas.

Around 70 per cent of the new cases in states like Bihar and Jharkhand are linked to people who returned to their villages in the last two months. Indians need to exercise maximum caution, for if COVID-19 cases keep increasing, lockdowns will need to be re-imposed, which will halt economic activity again.

It is becoming equally important to launch a drive to educate people on how to continue living with COVID-19. Hence, personal hygiene, masks, social distancing, exercise and self- immunisation have to be advocated through social messages, even in the villages through traditional media like wall-paintings and loudspeaker announcements from mobile vans.

The recent surges in US, China, Hong Kong, teach us that to fight COVID-19, eternal vigilance may be mandatory till we have a vaccine.

Rajendra Aneja — Mumbai, India

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