No cure for loneliness - GulfToday

No cure for loneliness

Coronavirus Quarntine

A man is seen on his window sill in Islington, London, as the spread of the coronavirus disease enforces second lockdown in the city. Reuters

It is true that hugs have a lot of benefits for well-being. But while COVID-19 is a pandemic in its own right, so is loneliness. And while COVID-19 is talked about in heaps but loneliness is a disease that seldom gets the attention it deserves (“Hugging has multiple mental health benefits, studies suggest,” Jan. 25, Gulf Today).

Thus is the wake of one pandemic, the other one has worsened. Lockdowns have caused people to be alone more than ever.

In such circumstances, a hug is impossible. And thus mental health issues are on the rise. Besides hugs, there is the lack of socialising and seeing loved ones. It’s a combination for a mental meltdown.

While the article says that hugging a dog can have good effects, not everyone is a dog person. Also, while there had been a lot of pet adoptions at the beginning of lockdowns, the ensuing months have seen pets being abandoned as well.

Thus, there is no solution to COVID-19. And there also seems to be a lack of solution to loneliness.

Abilasha D
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