Climate change - GulfToday

Climate change


China and the United States are the biggest emitters of climate-changing carbon pollution.

Climate change is the biggest issue the world is facing in the present time. It is the need of the hour to act united to save the world from the disaster of climate change (“Biden seeks to rally world on climate as summit momentum builds,” April 22, Gulf Today).  

China and the United States are the biggest emitters of climate-changing carbon pollution.

President Joe Biden hopes to rally the world on climate as he unveils more ambitious US commitments at a summit that is expected to see a slew of new promises.

Just three months into office, Biden will welcome 40 leaders for the two-day virtual Earth Day summit, heralding a US return to the climate frontlines amid mounting worries over the rapid heating of the planet.

The issue of climate change is a matter of serious concern, so it should not be politicised. The world should come together and implement the suggestions and decisions taken in the climate summit.

It is possible to save the climate from pollution with a firm strategy together for the coming generations’ healthy future for sure.

Despite wider political tensions between China and the United States of America, it is nice to know that on the issue of climate change, China accepted the US government invitation and participated also in the Biden climate summit.

I am sure the Biden climate summit must have opened many options to tackle the challenges of climate change, and now the world will be in a position to make collective decisions for a better future.

Basit Shafeeq
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