UAE’s UN seat highlights its global prestige - GulfToday

UAE’s UN seat highlights its global prestige


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The election of the UAE as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council shows its overarching prestige and sterling importance in regional and international platforms. It also reaffirms the global trust in the ability of the UAE in maintaining its cachet as a global peacekeeper.

Peace is one of the pillars on which its policy is founded, the others being dialogue, understanding, stability and development in international relations.

The seat adds to the UAE’s track record of global achievements, thanks to the wise leadership’s approach led by President His Highness Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, His Highness Sheikh Mohamed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, and Their Highnesses, members of the Supreme Council, Rulers of the Emirates.

The Emirati diplomatic team led by Sheikh Abdullah Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, made industrial-strength efforts to achieve the state’s vision on establishing security and peace in the world.

Nearly 35 years after serving on the Security Council in 1986-1987 for the first time, the UAE is now taking on this responsibility at a time the world is experiencing unprecedented challenges.

 “The scale of the responsibility is great, and the challenges are more complex and urgent. From issues of peace, sustainability, climate change, extremism and terrorism to an unprecedented pandemic that shattered all records,” said Mohammed Jalal Al Rayssi- Director-General of Emirates News Agency (WAM).

During its membership in the UNSC, the UAE has a lot to present, foremost among which is its experience in institutionalising gender equality, fostering tolerance and countering terrorism and extremism, addressing climate change issues, prioritising humanitarian relief, tackling global health pandemics, and harnessing the potential of innovation for peace, he adds.

The UAE will share its experience with other council members to help maintain peace and security from traditional security threats, and from those posed by pressing global challenges such as climate change.

The UAE was elected alongside Albania, Brazil, Gabon, and Ghana for the term 2022-2023.

The UAE’s campaign for a seat on the Security Council was anchored by the country’s national and international commitments to advance inclusion, spur innovation, build resilience, and secure peace. At a moment of increasing polarisation, the UAE’s candidature was based on its firm belief in building bridges to foster relationships among Council members and renew Member States’ confidence in the Council’s ability to be relevant and effective in responding to increasingly complex and daunting threats to global peace and security.

The UAE received endorsements by the League of Arab States in 2012 and by the Asia-Pacific Group in June 2020. The UAE launched its campaign in September 2020 and held virtual briefings with various regional groups of Member States to the UN.

“The UAE has always been ready to shoulder its share of responsibility for the world’s most pressing challenges in collaboration with the international community and this was the driving force of our bid,” said Sheikh Abdullah Bin Zayed Al Nahyan.

“Since its establishment, our country has been committed to multilateralism, international law, and the Charter of the UN. When we serve on the Security Council, we will continue to uphold these principles.”

“The UAE’s turn to serve on the Security Council is based on our belief that our values and principles can help drive progress to achieve our collective goal of international peace and security,” said Lana Nusseibeh, Assistant Minister for Political Affairs and Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the UAE to the UN.

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