SIFF excites - GulfToday

SIFF excites


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I am so excited to read that the 8th Sharjah International Film Festival for Children and Youth (SIFF 2021) gives a chance to relish 80-plus high-quality films that bring together a diversity of creative voices to tell the stories of the younger generation (SIFF brings the joy of world cinema to UAE’s schools,” Oct.13, Gulf Today).

We are thankful to the SIFF 2021 organisers that FUNN is also taking the magic of cinema to hundreds of school students across the nation.

Films for children up to age 10 include The Little Boat That Wanted To Fly from Russia; Zog and the Flying Doctor from the UK; My Brother Luca — a charming and animated short film that introduces autism and promotes sibling connections; Mum Is Pouring Rain, a heartwarming tale from France, and award-winning Windup.

We love to be there and enjoy the film festival. The films in the Mini Cinema section include two feature films, Running Against The Wind, a well-crafted movie about two boys in Ethiopia who race against time to make their dreams come true; and award-winning Turkish film In My Dream.

Apart from over 80 screenings on its virtual platform, the recently opened Sharjah International Film Festival for Children and Youth (SIFF 2021) is making the rounds of schools across the UAE, taking key messages and life lessons through the magic of film to students. The festival screened five animations from around the world at a school on Sunday.

Usman Farooq — By email

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