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Sheikh Hamdan

Sheikh Hamdan Bin Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai and Chairman of Dubai Executive Council’s New Year’s Day greeting messages to the Government of Dubai employees was very inspirational and nostalgic. Each and every word was heart-touching. His words will definitely echo in the minds and hearts of the employees for a very long time. This will definitely make employees more responsible and they will strive to be the best. This is an amazing way to motivate the team.   

(“Dubai’s prosperity lies in your hands, Hamdan tells govt staff,” Jan.2, 2022, Gulf Today.”) This clearly shows how much trust and faith he has in his employees. The Crown Prince always keeps us inspiring.  It is great to see a young leader thinking so much for its people and showing us the perfect path to future. No wonder, Sheikh Hamdan is widely loved for his style of leadership.  

Pragya Aggarwal
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