How can Metaverse be Applied in Robotization of Marketing? - GulfToday

How can Metaverse be Applied in Robotization of Marketing?

Dr Mohamed Abdulzaher


Academic and Artificial Intelligence Journalism pioneer

Artificial Intelligence journalism which is redefining the industry will cut into print media consumption

Picture used for illustrative purposes only.

When the CEO of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, announced at the end of July 2021 that he is expecting in the coming years people will transition from seeing Facebook primarily as a social media company to seeing it as a metaverse company, where the metaverse is the ultimate expression of social technology. Facebook had previously planned to be the largest provider of virtual and augmented reality technologies, when it acquired the virtual reality glasses company Oculus VR, maker of the Oculus Rift virtual reality headset, in 2014 in a $ 2 billion deal.

Two years ago, I coined a new term, which I call “7G Journalism” and linked the term to expanding the adoption of new technologies that are more advanced and more capable of creating and transmitting media content through human microchips.

So what is the difference between the 7G Journalism and Media of Metaverse, and how we can apply Metaverse in Robotization of Marketing?

In a new futures and exploratory study I have done last week, it had confirmed that 85% of the study sample did not experience Metaverse in creating any content, or at least the experiment of using it, or using to create a marketing and the three-dimensional content.


New (AIJRF) book: Globalization 4.0: The Future of Media in the Age of 7G Journalism

Artificial Intelligence Journalism Model of Communication set to revolutionise the world

The study covered a number of new concepts in the media, such as Media of Metaverse, and the difference between Media of Metaverse and the 7G Journalism and Artificial Intelligence Journalism. And the concept of Reality Media vs. Virtual Media. And the future of the world of Metaverse in marketing, and how to employ Metaverse in Robotisation of Marketing.

And how “Media of Metaverse” came as a natural result of the great losses that the world witnessed in the media and entertainment sector as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, which prompted many technology and media giants in the world to search for more effective ways, and more accessible to the public, without direct communication between humans.

The study is from a series of publications by the Artificial Intelligence Journalism for Research and Forecasting (AIJRF), the UAE-based leading global institution in media studies and artificial intelligence, Dynamic Human Skills (DHS), and Fourth and Fifth industrial Revolutions’ technologies.

Metaverse Challenges

The study is forecasting the future of Metaverse in light of the growth of Artificial Intelligence Journalism, and the  “7G Journalism “ later, through 15 In-depth interviews of marketing experts in different fields about the importance of Metaverse technologies in the marketing industry, and the most important advantages that it can provide. It is also identifying the challenges that this Metaverse could face, especially when most of the technology giants and content creators are pumping billions of dollars into the world of Metaverse over the next ten years.

I have discussed the kind of challenges that would face Metaverse in the next five years, and it is difficult to predict the growth of Metaverse globally, due to the presence of several technological challenges on the one hand and regulation challenges too, such as: The varying speed of the Internet around the world, People’s Privacy and Interoperability, Increasing the gap between developing and developed countries in relying on such technologies, as Metaverse requires. This is in addition to Metaverse Needs to support and develop the skills of many content makers, especially marketing, in the use of artificial intelligence journalism technologies and metaverses.

Lack of knowledge

The study showed that 85% of the samples did not have any experience about Metaverse in creating content, or at least the experiment of using it.

The remaining 15% of the samples are distributed between: Only 5% used Metaverse as an experiment or practical training through virtual or augmented reality technologies, and on a small scale to promote some commodities such as: watches, or hotels.

The study also showed the reasons for the reluctance of some marketing experts to go into Metaverse, as some of them considered that Metaverse is an imaginary world that has nothing to do with reality, and it still has years to go until it can be used by the public.

Also, they said going through Metaverse experience requires certain skills, and training in technologies and tools that are not currently available.


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