Definitely Dubai - GulfToday

Definitely Dubai

Dubai Taxi

Dubai Taxi.

I have been travelling all across the word for my business interest for almost 10 years. I love all the cities and their people, whether it is Paris, London, Manama, Dublin, Tokyo, or Dubai. But when it comes to the public transport system, then I must admit that Dubai is the best. I have always found Dubai very smooth and customer-friendly. You can find public transport in Dubai at any point of time.

Even the drivers here are conversant with the location and are very humble and courteous too. They know how to deal with customers. I feel these drivers are well trained to deal with international customers and they don’t differentiate between a tourist and resident. They have the same approach for everyone and this is very encouraging. We feel a little hesitant when it comes to dealing with drivers in other countries, but Dubai is very good. I can call them anytime and can go anywhere without evening thinking for a second. I have never faced any difficulties in moving in and around Dubai. Even at the peak of Dubai Expo 2020, I found getting a taxi in Dubai was very easy. Even I have seen female passengers going out at 4am without even worrying about their safety. This is what Dubai has created and Dubai stands for. I appreciate the government for creating such a fantastic culture. No wonder, it has become one of the safest cities of the world.

Syed Shahzad Ali,
By email

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