Visionary leadership - GulfToday

Visionary leadership


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Your Highness, Belated Happy Birthday. Domiciled and raised in the UAE for 40 years all I have to say is a big thank you for the magnificent projects that you have done for the society and the community in this country.

The world acclaims you as the visionary leader with many young generations succeeding you.

It’s because of you and the people behind it that we are here to make this nation a benign and proud city to live in. Your fortitude, determination, resilience have gone a long way in making every project a massive victory. Although times were tough and challenging for many of us out here with the journey not being smooth, we regained and conquered what was required getting things back to normal.

The freedom that you give the public with immense facilities is not what we can see in other republics. I am so proud to have lived with my parents out here having completed my schooling, my graduation in this young and vibrant city. The serene good old days in Dubai are something I always reminisce about. In fact I reminisce about the time when there was only the World Trade Centre standing tall on Sheikh Zayed Road years back. That the developments took place over a short span of time is praiseworthy. Unlike the past you have made rules and regulations not just for one community which only helps us think well ahead.

People from various walks of life such as engineers, doctors, trainees, college graduates, cleaners those even who don’t have a high school education flock to this city to make their living as they all make their plans for the future. With 24/7 facilities, emergency services, bus and taxi services, airport amenities, attractive roads and parks, shopping malls, cafes, jogging tracks, schools, clinics, hospitals and also the Dubai Metro that made commute at ease. All this because of your power and innovative thinking only to make the lives of the people comfortable.

What more can we ask for? I wish you and your family all success in life.

Mathew Litty — Dubai

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