Extraordinary event - GulfToday

Extraordinary event


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I am sure the whole world is capable of dealing with any new virus after dealing with COVID-19, one of the deadliest viruses of the modern days. It’s time to act according to the directions of the World Health Organisation regarding the latest virus monkeypox (“WHO declares monkeypox a global emergency,” July 23, Gulf Today website).

The world should take monkeypox seriously now as the World Health Organisation said the expanding monkeypox outbreak in more than 70 countries is an “extraordinary” situation that now qualifies as a global emergency, a declaration on Saturday that could spur further investment in treating the once-rare disease and worsen the scramble for scarce vaccines.

The fight against the COVID-19 is in its final stages. The world has achieved success in the fight against coronavirus, produced COVID-19 vaccines and made sure people will be vaccinated with complete doses of COVID-19 vaccines.

Declaring a global emergency means the monkeypox outbreak could spill over into more countries and requires a coordinated global response. WHO previously declared emergencies for public health crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2014 West African Ebola outbreak, the Zika virus in Latin America in 2016 and the ongoing effort to eradicate polio. I am sure, once again we will act against the monkeypox globally and save the world.

Jugno Azam,
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