Destination Sharjah - GulfToday

Destination Sharjah


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One of the most eagerly awaited events of the Emirate of Sharjah, Sharjah International Book Fair (SIBF) has started. Book lovers are very much excited about it. The 11-day annual event is a wonderful platform, which attracts people from across the region.

School and college going students enjoy their visit a lot. They get to meet world-class authors and poets from across the globe. It is amazing listening and seeing to them. Even lots of local authors regale us with their wonderful presence during the event. We get to buy plenty of books also at a very reasonable price.

The best part of this fair is that children get to feel it. They develop the habit of picking books very early in life. They feel inspired to get into reading and writing. 

I appreciate the Sharjah Government for organising such a lovely event, which inspires almost everyone. Looking forward to attend it.

Neeraj Srivastava — By email

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