Sheikh Mohammed’s offer electrifies youth - GulfToday

Sheikh Mohammed’s offer electrifies youth

Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum

Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum

It was an unusual announcement by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates and Ruler of Dubai, on X when he sought applications from competent persons for the post of Minister for Youth. No country in the world ever does that. It is usually the case that someone who is part of the governmental structure who is chosen for a responsible position like that of a minister. And the response was striking as was the offer. Four Thousand and Seven Hundred Youth sent in their applications, and praised the ‘wise leadership’ for the extraordinary move. Many more are readying to send their applications. They feel enthused and inspired to apply for the post because they see the offer as an expression of confidence in the Emirati youth. It reflected the vision of late Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan encapsulated in the saying: “Youth is the real wealth, and it is the nation’s shield and sword that protects it from the ambition of the greedy. A country’s greatest investment lies in building generations of educated and knowledgeable youth.”

Many of them were bubbling with hope and confidence in responding to the offer of the post of minister for youth. Said Nada Al Hammadi: “I feel proud that the UAE allows all young men and women to run for the position of Minister of Youth, which confirms that we have a wise leadership that trusts its youth and their abilities to anticipate the future and be always the best.” There is then a rare rapport between the people and the leaders of the country. They are in many ways returning the trust and confidence reposed in them. Nouf Al Kathiri, who is preparing to the file her application said, “This opportunity arouses in me great passion and eagerness, so I know that this an opportunity to leave my mark on the path of national development that is considered a precedent in history.”

Not everyone who is applying for the post will get it because one among the thousands will be chosen. But such is the enthusiasm at the prospect of running for a minister’s post, most of the young applicants are only too happy that they are sending in their applications, that they are in the race for the post. It does not seem to matter to them whether they will be chosen. For them, the act of responding to the unprecedented and extraordinary offer is an exciting experience. This would mean that that this would serve as an example for the youth that they aim high and prepare themselves for the responsibilities ahead. They also know that they have to have the qualifications and they will strive to acquire the qualifications. It is this infectious spirit of aspiring for the high position that is setting an exciting trend. They do not have to think that leadership and the building of the nation is somebody else’s task, and that it falls to them to put their shoulder to the wheel as it were, and share in the nation’s futuristic vision and also contribute to it.

His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum’s announcement has had a lightning impact on the youth of the country, and it is as though they are inspired to reach out to the high post with the aim of building a future. This is the most valuable aspect of the exercise of applying for the post of Minister of Youth. The idea is implanted in the minds of the young that it is their task to think of the country, its people and its future.

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