Find happiness in the small things in life - GulfToday

Find happiness in the small things in life

Birjees Hussain

She has more than 10 years of experience in writing articles on a range of topics including health, beauty, lifestyle, finance, management and Quality Management.

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Representational image.

Multiple New Year resolutions this year but one of which I would like to bore you with. But that being said, I think it’s important for us all to find that teeny piece of happiness wherever and whenever we can.

I see others already doing some of the things I would like to mention here and I now realise that they are not wrong in doing so.

I feel there are so many things we can do to give ourselves a tiny bit of happiness as we do the small things in life. Yes, the big things that cause us anguish and angst will still be there waiting for us when we have finished finding our centre but I now realise that finding your centre is a must if you want to be able to cope with the stress and anguish in your life.

Firstly, pray first thing in the morning. Pray to God in whatever way your religion says you should. Thank him for the small mercies he has given you and seek his help in resolving the worries you have. Pray early in the morning when no one is awake. See the dark skies outside just before dawn breaks and you might be able to catch Venus twinkling back at you.

Now is the only time in the day you will get your peace and quiet. Savour it. Get yourself a nice cup of hot coffee or tea, a piece of toast with jam on top, or croissant, and sit back and relax. Since the weather is so much more conducive to being outside, it would be even better to take your coffee into your garden, if you have one, or even onto your balcony. Take in the early morning atmosphere of the city and streets below you, or the pool, if there is one.

While you’re out on the balcony you might hear a bulbul sing or catch a hummingbird flying around looking for nectar. You might also catch the rustling of the cool breeze in the trees. The sound of birds chirping is the best thing and better than any alarm to wake you up in the mornings.

Try to find your happiness during the rest of the day as well.

Perhaps you had a pleasant dream. If you did, then that in itself is something you could relive throughout your day.

Perhaps you could watch your favourite movie, or even your favourite genre of movies. There are plenty of the latter streaming online or maybe you could secretly pop off to your nearest cinema and watch what’s playing.

Maybe you wish that you could go back to your past, or a particular moment in your past. That, to me, is an unhealthy thought for two reasons. It means that you don’t like your present, and remember that your past is the past and can never happen again. But in spite of this, you could recreate something from your past today by doing something you did back then that you enjoyed. It might be a food you liked, it might be a show you enjoyed watching, a place you frequented or a friend you had and with whom you lost touch. Naturally, not all of the past can be recreated. But who knows, you might enjoy the bits you do manage to relive more now than you did back then.

Some things automatically give you a sense of peace, and I don’t know why. For example, the taste of something you had in the past can automatically bring back fond memories of a time gone by. I remember the taste of certain school puddings like spotted dick and custard, jam tart and custard, cake with lemon curd and custard and of course chocolate cake with chocolate custard. Yummy for school lunches back in old England. I remember certain perfumes that remind me of my university days. I remember Panache, You’re the Fire and, Halston that my father gave me decades ago. I recently came across a fragrance by Estee Lauder that smelled very similar and was instantly transported to my college days.

Enjoy the little things you have to help you cope better with life.

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