Noble work - GulfToday

Noble work


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The United Arab Emirates’ mediation role between Russia and Ukraine to save precious human life at the time of war between both the countries is highly commendable (“UAE mediation efforts succeed with new exchange of 200 captives of war between Russia and Ukraine,” Feb.10, Gulf Today website).

According to the report, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has announced the continuation of successful mediation by the UAE regarding the exchange of captives between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Ukraine. The Ministry stressed that the success of the mediation is the third since the beginning of this year.

In times of war and tense situations between conflicting countries the world needs reliable countries like the United Arab Emirates to play their kind role bringing about a peaceful solution to the deadly conflicts and stop more bloodshed.

I would like to register my huge respect for the UAE government that from the first day, when the deadly war started between Russia and Ukraine, it was not leaving any stone unturned to save humanity and is playing its role earnestly to end the Russia and Ukraine war.

Kashif Usman, By email

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