Words of Shakespeare - GulfToday

Words of Shakespeare

Trump has begun selling golden sneakers at a price of $399, with the presidential candidate likely facing over $500 million in legal debts. AP

Trump has begun selling golden sneakers at a price of $399, with the presidential candidate likely facing over $500 million in legal debts. AP

Donald Trump lost his well-paying job as US President and, at present, is not able to run a business in New York, so he has become a travelling salesperson, selling not a golden ticket but a $399 golden runner. Given that he currently has fines of $83.3 million and $354.8 million, or a total of about $438 million, he does need to find a new source of income. I am sure his boys will pay their own fines, and as they will all pay immediately, interest won’t be a problem. A simple piece of math shows that’s over 1 million shoes. I hope he has plenty of room in his car boot.

An interesting piece of fake news has already arisen in that they have sold out immediately, but if there were only a small number available, then the MAGA team would have grabbed them straight away to show their complete support. A simple Economics 101 strategy to generate demand. Maybe it’s time to reflect on the words of Shakespeare: “All that glitters is not gold.”

Dennis Fitzgerald,

Melbourne, Australia

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