Flash floods - GulfToday

Flash floods


Unusually heavy seasonal rains have wreaked havoc on multiple parts of the country.

The ongoing flash floods which affected tens of thousands of children in Afghanistan are a matter of concern and the world should help the Afghan government in times of hardship (“Afghan flash floods affect tens of thousands of children: Unicef,” June 3, Gulf Today website).

According to the report, unusually heavy seasonal rains have been wreaking havoc on multiple parts of the country, killing hundreds of people and destroying property and crops. The UN food agency has warned that many survivors are unable to make a living.

It’s so unfortunate that the disaster of climate change is gradually gripping the world. Many parts of the world are experiencing unusual heavy rain and flooding. The scorching heatwave at the start of summer has made life miserable for coountless people in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

The world has to fight unitedly against global warming. It’s so important to address climate change, the biggest threat to the world, and the future of present and future generations is at stake. I am sure the world is capable of dealing with climate change and saving itself.

I hope the Afghan government will not leave any stone unturned and help people who are affected by heavy rain. I would like to express my deep condolences to the families of flash flood victims in Afghanistan.


Shamshad Usman,

By email


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