Smart attack - GulfToday

Smart attack

Elon Musk

Elon Musk

Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk is very clever and a successful businessman who knows the trick to always remain in the limelight using national and international media against his opponents in business and politics (“Google interfering with US presidential election, alleges Elon Musk,” July 29, Gulf Today website).

According to the report, Elon Musk on Monday attacked Sundar Pichai-run Google, saying if the search giant is interfering with the US Presidential election, they are going to face “a lot of trouble”. Sharing a screenshot where a Google search on “President Donald” resulted in “President Donald Duck” and “President Donald Regan,” the tech billionaire asked if the tech giant has placed a search ban on the former US president and Republican presidential nominee.

Everyone knows in the world that Elon Musk is an international figure and huge supporter of former president Donald Trump as he announced publicly to fund for Donald Trump’s presidential election campaign.

It seems that business tycoon Elon Musk is running the election campaign of former president Donald Trump against the Democrats for the upcoming US presidential elections.

Elon Musk, who owns one of the powerful social media platforms ‘X,’ should remain neutral in the US elections, he can vote for anyone no matter whom he is supporting.


Saqib Usman,

By email


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