Laudable relief - GulfToday

Laudable relief


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The United Arab Emirates is playing its vital humanitarian role in providing urgent relief aid to Palestinians displaced from the eastern Khan Younis neighbourhoods in response to the recent wave of threats and evacuations.

The world should follow the generosity of the United Arab Emirates’ kind leadership (“UAE provides urgent relief aid to Palestinians displaced from east Khan Younis,” Aug.16, Gulf Today website).

According to the report, the aid aims to alleviate the suffering of those affected and support them during these challenging times. The aid includes the provision of shelter tents, food parcels, and emergency supplies, reaffirming the UAE’s commitment to meeting the needs of affected Palestinians.

The UAE’s volunteer teams have been assisting displaced families since the evacuation began, by setting up and equipping tents and distributing food parcels.

There is no doubt that the people of Palestine are going through the toughest time of their life, but the time shall pass and peace and life will return to the vulnerable Palestinian people.

The United Arab Emirates is the best example for the whole world to see how the nation, in a difficult time, is trying its level best to bring life back to Palestinians displaced from the eastern Khan Younis neighbourhoods.

Isfaq Arain, By email

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