World needs peace - GulfToday

World needs peace

Representational image.

Representational image.

The world is in severe danger of a major escalation of the wars in Russia-Ukraine and in Israel. The Russia-Ukraine war has been causing immense loss of human lives in both the countries. No country in the world, has taken the lead, to bring both sides to a negotiating table. Meanwhile, the number of orphans and widows, on both sides, continues to grow. Sometimes, I wonder whether we have become an inhuman and insensitive world.

The Israel-Hamas-Hezbollah-Lebanon-Iran imbroglio, also continues to fester indefinitely. There are daily calls for ceasefires and dialogues. They are unheeded.  Meanwhile, millions of ordinary people are being displaced and live in the daily fear of being bombarded and killed.

The United Nations, which was created after World War II, to prevent such conflagrations, is not proving very effective. Perhaps, the warring nations, should suspend their hostilities, sit at a neutral negotiating table and find peaceful settlements.

War is an absolute waste of human lives, on all sides. It is an attrition of economic resources. Moneys are spent on bullets and guns, instead of schools and hospitals. All war, is a failure of human intelligence and wisdom.


Rajendra Aneja,

Mumbai, India


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