Lara’s Hero - GulfToday

Lara’s Hero

Lara Trump, and Florida-based singer Madeline Jaymes collaborated on the new single, “Hero,” paying tribute to emergency first responders.

Lara Trump's “Hero” pays tribute to emergency first responders. (Image via X)

Lara Trump had released a song, “Hero”, dedicated to firefighters. There won’t be any need for their support as it’s not burning up the charts. Everyone can sing but not everyone can sing well and very few make a fortune from their talent. It might be best for her to stay where she is most capable, but where is that?

She was a story coordinator and producer but then followed her in-laws into politics, although sensibly starting at the top rather than the bottom as an unpaid volunteer. She took up the position of Republican National Committee co-chairman on a salary said to be in the order of US$300,000 a year for two years.

She is lucky to have some great contacts as no one in my family can get me a job that well paid, I did check!

It will be interesting to see if she will produce and sing a battle anthem that gets her father in law his old job back. The other candidate is looking more favourable so far.

Dennis Fitzgerald,

Melbourne, Australia

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