Depressing news - GulfToday

Depressing news

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The rape and death of a lady doctor in Kolkata, has immobilised the city and state. It is very disheartening and depressing. The guilty person has been arrested. He will now be tried in court. Yet, the agitations continue unabated. Even the doctors in some hospitals are on strike. The anguish is overflowing. The lady Chief Minister is in a fix. What can she do to alleviate the anger of the people?

India is reportedly, doing well economically. The infrastructure is also improving. Then, the horrible news of rapes and abuse of women, spoil the image of the country. Wherever I travel on work abroad, people raise this issue with me. It is very embarrassing.

Indians must realise that to be developed, a high GDP is required, but the behaviour of the citizens, should also be refined. A Brazilian colleague had once told me, “Women are our national wealth,” when I was posted in the country. This is a wonderful sentiment. Indians can learn from this thought.

Rajendra Aneja,

Mumbai, India