UAE leaders mean business - GulfToday

UAE leaders mean business

Shaadaab S. Bakht


Shaadaab S. Bakht, who worked for famous Indian dailies The Telegraph, The Pioneer, The Sentinel and wrote political commentaries for, is Gulf Today’s Executive Editor.

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Not lame duck followers of political philosophies, but ethically rich individuals, deeply and steadily soaked in humane values, are the need of the hour as far as leaders are concerned.

Our world — nearly hijacked by lusty capitalist acts of wish fulfilment — needs leaders who can look beyond themselves, leaders who can appreciate the difference between the opportunist and the loyalist and leaders who believe that leadership is all about looking after those who they lead, nothing more, nothing less.

And none can match the UAE leaders when it comes to the immediate needs of the governed.

And none can match the UAE leaders when it comes to the immediate needs of the governed.

The developments on a single day last week triggered this article. The Ruler of one of the Emirates decided to order the construction of 60 mosques and the reconstruction of 40 others. Faith couldn’t have had a better exponent. His decision led to two things. First, it was a clear message that no matter what happens there will be no compromise on faith. Secondly, no amount of general disturbance in the world will be able to deter the believer from spreading his faith in concrete terms.

Not far from the above Ruler, another leader announced the establishment of an educational institution that is going to be one of the best in the world. Knowledge is power, he believes. It is indestructible. And nothing can be truer. Therefore, a budget of billions is worth it.

On the same day the UAE’s representative called for joint global action to ensure food security. In the recent past, similar calls have been made. And every time the message has been sharp and shrill in tenor. The country feels that the issue is non-negotiable. And one can never dispute that.

The UAE leaders’ all-round approach in dealing with the needs of the governed is an unquestionable display of commitment towards the realisation of the common man’s dreams.


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