Never before has an incoming President of the USA had such an impact, as the arrival of Donald Trump, in January 2025. It is a clear month, before he takes charge. Yet, Ukraine and the European nations are anxiously waiting for the President’s initiatives. They are hoping that he will help to end the Ukraine-Russia war expeditiously. However, they also hope that Ukraine will negotiate from a position of strength. Every effort is on, to influence Trump’s mind.
Both, Ukraine and Russia are tired of their war. They are short of soldiers, volunteers and even ammunition. Both countries are depending on allies to support them with men and materials. What is the point of fighting a war, if the means are not there? Russia is fighting with North Korean troops. Ukraine depends on European and American armaments.
Trump should be firm in persuading Ukraine and Russia to stop the war.
In any such negotiation, every side will not get what they want. Negotiations mean give and take. Over half a million people have been killed in this war. It is time to end it. I hope Trump can deliver an accord. Trump should be firm with Ukraine and use his goodwill with President Putin, to make him sign a deal. An immediate cease-fire would pave the way for detailed peace talks.
Rajendra Aneja, Mumbai, India