There have been many surprises since the start of the second Trump Presidency, some stupid as with the enthusiasm for the reintroduction of plastic straws and some offensive with the banning of transgender people in the military services. Now comes another action that is both offensive and stupid even though of minor concern for most people, the removal of a book ‘Freckleface Strawberry’ from schools serving military families, for a ‘compliance review’. The book’s story of accepting differences in people is of specific interest to me as a red-headed, freckled individual.
Red hair and freckles can be a source of attack for bullies but it is nothing to be ashamed of. The proposed review for “gender ideology” and “racial indoctrination” seems futile as there are no parts related to gender or race.
Book banning is almost always wrong, restricts personal freedom and does not improve a society’s safety or moral character.
Let people read about the world, factual and fictional and develop their own understanding of it.
Dennis Fitzgerald,
Melbourne, Australia