The illustrious British philosopher Bertrand Russell wrote a dazzling essay, “In praise of Idleness” in 1932. However, only the rich of the world, who are born wealthy or marry riches, can enjoy idleness. They are born in mansions and inherit affluence and from previous generations. They saunter through life. They do not worry about bills. I would have loved to have been born rich. It would be gorgeous to live in the mountains, in the company of beautiful flowers and books. I would have devoted myself to my hobbies like writing and acting, even if they brought no money. Alas, most of us, must work for a living. We have to pay grocery, electricity and telephone bills every month.
Many years ago, I worked in a department in a company, where everybody worked about 11 to 12 hours per day. We also worked on Saturdays, which was an official holiday, from 9 am to 3 pm or so. Then my boss told me to start working on Sundays also, from 10 am to 4 pm. This would mean about 70 to 80 hours of work per week. I was living alone. I told my boss that I needed the Sunday, to get organised for the following week. However, he refused. He said he would issue written instructions for me to work every Sunday. I did it. I was young. I was learning. Despite the hardship, I followed his instructions. Now years later, I do not regret it. I yet treasure the lessons of those tough days.
People who work hard, eventually succeed. The winner is the person, who can roll up his sleeves and get the job done.
Rajendra Aneja,
Mumbai, India