The more I take a sigh during my diurnal workout the better I feel and that’s what I love this month being Ramadan. I get more time to constitute myself. Driving down to get home before iftar after my workout just made me ask — imagine the roads so empty with me speeding down, enjoying listening to a few favorite light numbers on the radio station.
We are already in the second week and “time flies over us, but leaves it shadow behind”. One of my favourite quotes. The emphasis these days is on work life balance, eminence life and I do second the move as its time that we give our self’s time.
For me this month is serene with getting to the office a bit late although at times I waken up early to drop my wife for her work it does get stressful especially I am someone who needs an awesome amount of time to sleep as lack of sleep does incumber the quality of life. So, by the time I am back its time for me groom myself to get to office.
Although I from a Christian contextual I can recall the times when I had to stop people as I used to walk down with my daunting looks who I saw drinking in public, smoking near the office buildings. If the law says “NO” it’s a “NO”.
After sometime its Eid and here we get ready as summers is just around the corner and I am all ready to get fit. Adios to the winters and little drizzles I had cherished for some time.
Mathew Litty,