The internet was abuzz earlier this week with talk of the new Netflix show, “The Crown,” which tells the story of the Royal Family and the relationship between Prince Charles...
Towards December most prominent dictionary compilers announce their chosen word of the year. Their compilation is usually based on the events that have happened in the preceding time period. Sometimes...
I’ve always been surprised by how developed nations like America and Britain still have the level of poverty that’s usually seen in developing countries like the subcontinent and Africa. For...
We’ve all heard the saying, ‘mind over matter’ which implies that our minds are able to conquer any fears that we may have. A lot of doctors say that many...
Anyone who has ever thrown a book or books away must surely regret their decision later. I’ve done it and regretted it. To my horror, I discovered years later that...
‘The New Normal’ is a much used phrase nowadays. Of course it’s linked to COVID and refers to such things as working away from the office, wearing gloves, wearing masks...
Anyone who says they are completely happy with the way they look are probably not being truthful. Some people hate their noses, others their thin lips or ears that they...
According to language experts the Z generation has a problem with punctuation, especially the full stop. The Z generation, Generation Z as they are commonly known, are those individuals who...
In the rush and frenzy of shopping, sometimes people become lax and distracted. Some don’t pay attention to the quality of what they’re buying. It’s always surprising how few...
I need to ask a very serious question to all ready to eat food manufacturers. My question is for packaged TV dinner makers, snack makers, ready to eat sandwich meat...
She has more than 10 years of experience in writing articles on a range of topics including health, beauty, lifestyle, finance, management and Quality Management.