I really need to ask this question because no one has been able to answer it definitively for me. I’ve asked friends, googled the question and asked countless pharmacies and...
In my opinion there are two types of people in the world. Those who reminisce about their past and those who focus on the present and look forward to the...
Recent research has shown that children in the UK are now considered as fat as those in America. The reasons are fairly obvious considering what kids love to consume and...
Research has shown that those between the ages of 16 to 28 are the most food wasters because they cannot tell if a food item has really gone off and...
I’m not advocating leaving your family. I would never do that, especially if you’re a married man or woman with a loving husband or wife and children. That would be...
I’m not a cat person or a dog person. I think they’re cute when you see them on social media chasing balls and doing other cute things but, to me,...
Ever see the movie Split? James McAvoy plays a character who houses at least 20 different personalities inside his head. Some are pleasant and some are very evil. But in...
The headmaster of one of the most famous boarding schools in England, called Rugby, has said that there is something seriously wrong with what are known as Generation Zoomers (also...
Most people’s kitchen is a waste ground. People buy, store, eat or use and then store again, but not necessarily in that order. The waste results in multiple repercussions. Waste...
There is a sales trend that we notice and I’m wondering if it actually works. From my perspective, as a customer, it does not. Remember that episode in ‘Friends’ when...
She has more than 10 years of experience in writing articles on a range of topics including health, beauty, lifestyle, finance, management and Quality Management.