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Business Bureau, Gulf Today More than 270 UAE exporters and potential international buying partners came together this week for the UAE’s major buyers and exporters forum since COVID-19 shut...
Indian shares were flat on Thursday ahead of a Supreme Court hearing over dues owed by telecom companies to the government, with rising Indo-China tensions and a spike in coronarvirus...
Lucie McInerney, The Independent My father adores buying books. For himself, for my mum, for me, for everyone in the family as Christmas gifts — whether you wanted one...
India’s stringent lockdown norms have lasted longer than expected, said Fitch Ratings as it further reduced India’s GDP forecast to (-) 5 per cent from an earlier projected growth of...
Nearly 3 million laid-off workers applied for US unemployment benefits last week as the viral outbreak led more companies to slash jobs even though most states have begun to let...
Stock markets fell on Monday after reports of a pick-up in new coronavirus cases rattled investors, who worried that it could slow or reverse the loosening of lockdown measures. ...
Mohammed Alaa, Staff Reporter The Department of Municipalities and Transport, the Integrated Transport Centre in Abu Dhabi and the Abu Dhabi General Services Company (Musanada) are implementing infrastructure...
Mohammed Alaa, Staff Reporter Abu Dhabi General Services Company (Musanada) has implemented a number of lighting, internal roads and infrastructure projects for basins number 12 and seven in...
Qantas Airways may not place an order for planes capable of non-stop London-Sydney flights until early next year, the airline’s chief executive said on Friday after a 19 hour, 19...
YouGov has revealed results of their new survey which showed more than 95 per cent of residents thoroughly impressed with the quality of the road networks and infrastructure in the...