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Hamza M Sengendo, Staff Reporter A watchman connived with a countryman to rob scaffolds from his employer’s construction site over unpaid wages. He was on Thursday...
Ihab Atta, Staff Reporter The Dubai Public Prosecution referred a 27-year-old GCC employee to trial on charges of forced theft, impersonation of detectives and seizing Dhs3,000 and two phones from...
Hamza M Sengendo, Staff Reporter Two watchmen who ganged up with two countrymen to rob Dhs1.4m electric items from two power plants have been incarcerated with them. The Asian...
Hamza M Sengendo, Staff Reporter A bogus detective implicated in the robbery of Dhs570,000 in cash and valuables was referred to the Dubai Criminal Court on Thursday. The unemployed...
Hamza M Sengendo, Staff Reporter Two street robbers who mugged a bank client and took Dhs50,000 will spend three years behind bars to be followed by deportation, the Dubai...
Ehab Atta, Staff Reporter An Asian maid, 42, decided to rob her employer only 3 days after she had been hired. She stole Dhs2,000 and her passport and ran away....
Hamza M Sengendo, Staff Reporter A salesman lost Dhs1.8 million to muggers during a meeting to purchase phone recharge cards at ‘a very low’ price, a court head on Wednesday....
Tariq Butt, Staff Reporter A man, whose video of robbing an ATM went viral owing to his antics, died early on Sunday while in police custody. The man identified...
Ihab Atta, Staff Reporter Eleven African, Arab, European, GCC and Asian people, including two fugitives, had colluded and planned to steal Dhs3 million during a fake cash transfer deal. ...
Dacoits in Pakistani cit of Karachi have created a WhatsApp group, “Dakaiti Qaumi Movement,” to plan robberies, reports said. According to a report published in 'Jang', a daily newspaper...