Russian Grandmaster Danila Pavlov won the Open Championship for composition at the 45th World Chess Solving Championship, which was hosted by the Fujairah Chess and Culture Club.
The 45th World Chess Solving Championship and 64th World Congress of Chess Composition are taking place under the patronage of Sheikh Mohammed Bin Hamad Bin Mohammed Al Sharqi, Crown Prince of Fujairah.
Belgium’s Eddy Van Beers finished second, while Israel’s Ofer Comay came third. 94 players participated in the tournament, which were officially listed.
Around 30 international referees also participated in the course held for chess composition.
The UAE is the first Arab country in the Middle East to host a general assembly and organize the World Chess Solving Championship, which has never been held in the region before.

Sheikh Abdullah Bin Hamad Bin Saif Al Sharqi, Harry Fougiaxis, Dr. Adbulla AAL Barakat and other members of the organizing committee.
Sheikh Abdullah Bin Hamad Bin Saif Al Sharqi, president of the UAE Federation for Body Building, also attended the championship and met with the organizing committee, Harry Fougiaxis, president of the World Federation for Chess Composition, and other officials.
Fougiaxis hailed Fujairah Chess and Culture Club’s efforts for making the perfect arrangements to ensure the success of the World Chess Solving Championship and World Congress of Chess Composition.
“Fujairah has made a significant contribution to promoting chess, and it has established itself as the Middle East’s chess capita,” said Fougiaxis
Dr. Adbulla AAL Barakat thanked Sheikh Hamad and Sheikh Saleh Bin Mohammed Al Sharqi, Chairman of the Fujairah Department of Industry and Economy, for their unwavering support.
The international blitz tournament will take place on November 19. More than 270 players have already registered. The total prize fund for all events is €40,000.
Meanwhile, many important issues were discussed during the 64th World Congress of Chess Composition.
The congress continues with the commission meetings and ends on Thursday with the World Federation for Chess Composition elections.