Colossal waste - GulfToday

Colossal waste

Wastage of food

The photo has been used for illustrative purposes.

While on the one hand farmers around the world are losing large amounts of food they produce due to infrastructural reasons, on the other hand we have over 100 million people facing hunger worldwide annually (“Asian nations have highest level of food losses,” Oct.15, Gulf Today).

It is shocking that despite all the technological advancements and economic progress that the world has witnessed, millions of people are still forced to go to bed on an empty stomach. And this study adds salt to the wounds of the hungry masses. It states that central and southern Asia have the highest level of food losses of 20%. And it is in Asia where will find most of the hungry millions.

Of course climatic changes and extremes are undermining food production in some regions. But if action to mitigate disaster risk reduction and preparedness is not taken the situation will only get worse as temperatures are expected to rise and become extreme.

The UN Food and Agriculture Organization stated that a combination of causes, ranging from harvesting and handling practices, to lack of infrastructure and market prices to pests, diseases and climatic conditions, contributed to these losses. Yes, there are measures being slowly put into practice, as the narrative states, to help stem the rot. But without concerted efforts from both the government and the business associates, very little will change on the ground.

It is the duty of governments and big corporations involved in the food industry to find ways to minimise the loss of food, which may help in easing the scourge of hunger. I am being very optimistic, I know, because corporate houses are not raking in the moolah to take care of the needy.

Vishal Rathod
By email

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