Iron deficiency is one of the most common malnutrition diseases in the world. Severe iron deficiency can lead to anemia, and this occurs due to several factors, including:
Not eating enough iron-containing foods, poor absorption of iron, losing a large amount of blood due to injury or illness.
If the person does not get enough iron, the red blood cells cannot carry enough oxygen to the other cells of the body.
How much iron do I need per day?

How can I increase my iron level naturally with my diet?
Iron from animal sources is easier to absorb than plant sources.
Food rich in iron from animal sources include:

*Spinach, beans and nuts also contain oxalate acid. This acid combines with iron and thus prevents its absorption. Spinach can be eaten with any food that contains iron enhancers to enhance its absorption.
Warning: Pregnant women should avoid eating liver in large quantities because it contains a high amount of vitamin A and this amount may be harmful and have adverse effects on the fetus.