Amazing people - GulfToday

Amazing people

Rain 9

The photo has been used for illustrative purposes.

I was at my hotel in Sharjah on Tuesday when rain lashed the UAE. The entire area of my hotel was inundated by Wednesday. I as a visitor got a little worried seeing the situation.

I did not know what to do and how to manage this situation but I was pleasantly surprised to see the entire Government authorities of Sharjah on the road. I noticed Sharjah Police, Sharjah Municipality, Civil Defence officials offering help to residents. In no time, I got relieved to see government officials taking rounds. They also distributed food and water and asked us if we needed anything else.

It’s been nearly a week since the rain began, but I still see government officials moving around and offering help. This was incredible to see that officials care so much for us. I am a visitor and will return to my country next week, but I will remain grateful to the Sharjah Government for their services. I will always be grateful to them for their unconditional efforts.

Even Sharjah buses started plying as soon as they analysed the situation and bus drivers were kind enough to stop at non-designated stops also to help passengers. I also appreciate SPEA and KHDA for shifting schools to remote learning mode.

Shaafaat Ansari, By email

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