Fatigue woes - GulfToday

Fatigue woes

Sarah Taryam


Writer, show Jumper, nature lover, fitness enthusiast and the Arts Editor of Gulf Today


Photo used for illustrative purpose.

Being tired seems to be something that most people suffer from in this fast-paced world. This week we are taking a look at all the things one can do to combat fatigue and boost energy levels.

One of the main ways to stop feeling tired is to get into a good sleep routine. It’s not just about rolling in and out of bed, the quality sleep of our sleep is important. Not having your mobile at your finger-tips will help you relax and fall asleep faster. In other words, you’ll be off social media, which leads to another point. Social media makes us tired, it’s a fact. Try to spend less time scrolling, or for some of you, stalking.

Another major aspect of feeling less tired and having more energy is eating well. As we all know, food is everything. What we eat determines our mood, our health and of course, how much energy we are going to have during the day. Choose to eat healthily as much as you can. Choose good fats and high-protein foods such as eggs, nuts, vegetables and fresh fish. If you have a sweet craving have some fruit, avoid all the processed stuff.

In other news this week, turn to our Sport pages to read about what Mick Schumacher, son of the legendary Formula One champion Michael Schumacher, has been up to lately. He didn’t have much luck in his F1 stint but he is still determined to get back on the grid. It must be difficult for him as he tries to forge his own career while no doubt being compared to his father who was F1 World Champion seven times before his terrible skiing accident.

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