Your network is your net worth, says Dave Chaggar - GulfToday

Your network is your net worth, says Dave Chaggar

Gulf Network

Dave Chaggar Sales Director for Capital Club Dubai has been known for his extensive rolodex of high powered business leaders across the Middle East advising on complex situations and initiatives for expansion. “It’s about delivering the right solutions based on its specific circumstances”.

Capital Club Dubai is an elite private business members club located in DIFC where the affluent and elite conduct their discreet business meetings and discussions. Operating for over 15 years it has essentially been labelled as an institution in its own right for Dubai and the United Arab Emirates.

Dave gives insight on the concept of networking and its potential impact if utilised to best effect. “Networking is an art in itself. It requires a combination of listening and people skills together with business acumen and emotional intelligence. If any of these factors are missing the results can be limited.”

The United Arab Emirates has experienced a rapid expansion over recent years with many expats now making it their home for a longer term horizon. Its pace and energy now rivals if not surpasses that of London, New York and Singapore. Its broad spectrum of industries and sectors are booming in their own right giving an unparalleled depth to the future economic prosperity of the United Arab Emirates.

Sitting with Dave and hearing from his exposure across so many different sectors it is fascinating to hear how its residents are constantly looking to deepen their relationships and forge meaningful networks. It soon becomes very clear that Dave prioritises meaningful interactions and conversations as opposed to more sporadical approaches.

“To see the fruits of networking it’s critical to develop trust. This often comes with time and an awareness of accomplishments and achievements. It is only by listening that you can then identify solutions to problems and ways to actively resolve. You have to invest into your interactions. Doing this correctly can result in exponential returns and benefits.”